"Wishing for Eternity" Has Been Sold!

Hello all! I am thrilled to say that my original painting “Wishing for Eternity” has been sold! I created this painting in 2022 and since the final brush stroke I knew this was very special.


At the center of this piece is the very human desire for a moment in time to last for eternity, while knowing the harsh reality that nothing stays the same forever. The time period while making this painting was very much like this for me, I was in such a blissful period of my life and once I realized how perfect everything felt I was almost immediately drug down by the fear of losing this bliss. So I found myself writing about this mixture of feels for this painting in order to process it and bring a visual to the ephemeral bliss that we all experience sometimes.


It’s safe to say that this painting is deeply personal to me and I feel extremely honored that someone connected with it and is so excited to hang it in their home. This collector has been a long time supporter of me and my work and it was so lovely to connect with her through this painting.

Two Paintings Accepted to EXUBERANCE in Santa Fe

Hello! I’m very excited to share that two of my original paintings have been accepted to the juried show EXUBERANCE at Art Mozaik Fine Art Gallery in Santa Fe!

Please join me and the Santa Fe art community at Art Mozaik for the opening reception this Friday January 5th 2024 from 4 to 7pm with complimentary snacks and beverages. This show will feature my two paintings “Choosing Light” and “Imprint” along with many other incredible works of art from a variety of artists.

"As One" has been SOLD!

I am so honored to say that my painting “As One” has been sold! This piece has been so special to me for several years now and I’m ecstatic that it found a new home.

For me, this painting served as a giant leap forward in my skill level and confidence as an artist when I made it back in 2019. While creating this piece I had to silence so many doubts and trust myself and the final result allowed me to keep pushing with even bigger and better paintings.

And while I have you here, I want to encourage you to use the button below to see what paintings and prints are available in my online shop! Artwork can make for such meaningful holiday gifts!

New Prints are Available Now!

I’m happy to announce that 5 of my most popular landscape paintings are now available as prints! “Enchantment” “Silent Snow” “Hallett Peak” “Winchester View” and “Dancing Leaves” are all available in 11”x14” and 16”x20” print sizes from Like Minded Productions. You can view each the images for each painting below!

Enchantment Print.jpg
Silent Snow Print.jpg
Hallett Peak Print.jpg
Dancing Leaves Print.jpg
Winchester View Print.jpg

Full Process Video for "The Lost Traveler"

I hope you enjoy this process video for my painting “The Lost Traveler”. I worked very hard on this piece everyday for more than a month so I hope you enjoy seeing this process sped up to just a few minutes. This original painting is available from Abend Gallery in Denver, click the button below to view this piece on their website.