"Wishing for Eternity" Has Been Sold!

Hello all! I am thrilled to say that my original painting “Wishing for Eternity” has been sold! I created this painting in 2022 and since the final brush stroke I knew this was very special.


At the center of this piece is the very human desire for a moment in time to last for eternity, while knowing the harsh reality that nothing stays the same forever. The time period while making this painting was very much like this for me, I was in such a blissful period of my life and once I realized how perfect everything felt I was almost immediately drug down by the fear of losing this bliss. So I found myself writing about this mixture of feels for this painting in order to process it and bring a visual to the ephemeral bliss that we all experience sometimes.


It’s safe to say that this painting is deeply personal to me and I feel extremely honored that someone connected with it and is so excited to hang it in their home. This collector has been a long time supporter of me and my work and it was so lovely to connect with her through this painting.

Recent Sales from the Abend Holiday Show

Hey there! I’m very happy to say that two out of my three new paintings for the Holiday Miniatures Show at Abend Gallery have been sold! I spent countless hours on all three of these paintings so it is hugely rewarding to see that two of them are going a home where they will be enjoyed by a collector. I’m really happy to see so many paintings being sold through this show and look forward to doing another show with Abend in April.

My final new painting that is available from the show is “Witness to the Unknown”. Use the button below to view it in the gallery shop.