Recent Sales from the Abend Holiday Show

Hey there! I’m very happy to say that two out of my three new paintings for the Holiday Miniatures Show at Abend Gallery have been sold! I spent countless hours on all three of these paintings so it is hugely rewarding to see that two of them are going a home where they will be enjoyed by a collector. I’m really happy to see so many paintings being sold through this show and look forward to doing another show with Abend in April.

My final new painting that is available from the show is “Witness to the Unknown”. Use the button below to view it in the gallery shop.

"Missing Pieces" | New Terra Human Painting!

Hi friends, I hope you enjoy this slightly different formate for my new Terra Human painting! For this piece I chose to create a portrait and create a sort of double exposure effect in order to incorporate the nature components. So instead of having a figure physically sitting or laying in a landscape, she its actually blended with it. Scroll down for a full description of the painting.


This painting is about the loneliness that we many of us are feeling during these uncertain times. Our normal interactions with friends and family have been reduced and modified and this has affected our emotional wellbeing more that we realize. Some of us may be experiencing heightened anxiety or depression that make us want to retreat away from other people even more than usual. We all cope with times of stress differently and that’s alright as long as we understand that deserve the love that is in our lives and that things will get better eventually.

The woman in this piece has retreated away from people but she finds comfort in the nature that surrounds her. Visually the branches almost support the shapes and curves of her face, keeping her head up in a time of sadness. She has blended into her surroundings so that they may fill in her missing pieces and make her whole again. 

Thanks for reading! As always, this original painting is available to purchase in my online shop! CLICK HERE TO VIEW IN THE SHOP!