Delivery of my Three Month Long Commission

I’m so happy to let you all know that I was finally able to deliver my three month long commission to its new owner in Denver two weekends ago. This was such an awesome experience filled with an official painting reveal, sit down interview and hanging of the piece. I couldn't have asked for a better reception for me and the painting. Be sure to check out the photos below and I'm sure I will be able to share videos from the interview with you soon!

I think it’s safe to say I have NEVER had a reception like this before, Katy and I felt so welcomed by Jason, his family, his camera person and of course his dogs 
 I’m really looking forward to future projects with Jason and I am so honored that he approached me with this meaningful project several months ago.


In this interview Jason and I were able to talk about why he first approached me creating this unique painting. He talked at the extensive research that he conducted to find the perfect artist to fulfill his vision. He also mentioned that seeing my painting “Through the Leaves” fully convinced him that I would be right for the job.

I was able to talk about what intrigued me about this and why I decided to take it on. Mentioning that I really resonated with the meaning behind the painting he wanted to create and how I love creating works that are infused with symbolism and stories.


Reflected Soul has been Sold!

I am incredibly proud to say that "Reflected Soul" has been sold!! And I want to take a moment to thank you all of my social media followers for your support over all of my platforms. Whenever you like, comment or share one of my paintings it GENUINELY helps my posts gain exposure to reach new people. Any time you take a moment to comment on one of my posts you help me expand my business and I really appreciate that!

This piece was such a big step for me seeing that it was my first circular painting ever! I was confident in my painting skills but was in unfamiliar territory with this new format and had to learn certain things on the fly (not to mention finding a custom frame 😬). I worked so hard on this painting and I am still having trouble comprehending that it's already hanging in someones home!
Thank you so much Abend Gallery for showing my work!

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New Figure Painting!

I've been meaning to share this figure painting that I made a few weeks ago so here it is! This piece served as a study for an upcoming Terra Human painting that I'm working on right now!
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in this lovely piece, I worked very hard on the lighting and intricate color relationships 


This piece is currently available for purchase! Contact me or check my online shop for purchase!

My Newest Terra Human Painting!

I'm really proud to bring you my newest Terra Human painting "Flowers and Thorns"
This piece was a huge challenge but a joy to work on throughout! From beginning to end I was able to just let me eye for detail run wild and enjoy soaking up all of the colors, textures, twigs and flowers that this image had to offer. I'm really proud of what I was able to accomplish in this piece and I hope you enjoy it!

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Here is a full description of the piece!

✍🏻This piece is a tribute to my love for beauty, in all of its forms.Ever since I can remember, I have sought after beauty. Whether I was admiring a landscape, performing a dance, or painting a picture, my motive has always been to find things that are awe-inspiring and share them.
In a way I think that my search for beauty is my filter for the world and how I perceive it. As I’ve gotten older, I’m realizing that it is almost impossible to perceive something without any sort of bias and since childhood I have always perceived the world as inherently beautiful in its imperfection.
This brings me to the painting you see before you. For all of my life, I have had no issue with saying when I found someone attractive—no matter their gender. I wanted to paint this man because his face tells a story. I feel that his eyes seem to capture an interesting combination of sadness and optimism. He is intertwined with weeds, thorns, flowers, and grass to show that beauty can be found in unexpected places if you are prepared to look.
I believe that beauty can inspire good in the world and the more beauty we can learn to see the better our world will become.

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Throwback Thursdays!

For today's Throwback Thursday I thought it would be a great opportunity to look back at all the paintings I've created so far this year!
Now it's safe to say that 2020 has been a rough year for most of us for a number of reasons but I cannot help by still be thankful for for the people who appreciate and buy art even when our world is so uncertain. I personally think that art can be a powerful catalyst for self reflection and introspection that can make a huge difference in our lives. And I feel like so many of you understand this as well and it makes me really grateful to have any sized following as long as they understand my message.
So as we push past the halfway mark of this year I hope that we can all seek to understand each other to the best of our abilities so that we can progress as a whole. Even though the world can potentially throw even more at us in the coming months I still look to the future with optimism because I believe in the power of art.
So thank you for all of your support so far in 2020! I hope that I can create even more amazing art in the second half of the year as well as connect with more artists and kind collectors!

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For this week’s Throwback Thursday I thought it would be fun to look at two paintings with very similar compositions and subjects that are 3 years apart!
It’s pretty cool to see how my technique and observation of color has improved over the years, resulting in more vibrant paintings with more depth in my opinion. I love seeing these pieces side by side because even though I would consider one much better than the other because I can safely say that each painting was the result of my ABSOLUTE best effort at the time and that is something I can always be proud of.
When I’m creating a new painting it can be a really intimidating process and one of the ways I cope with this pressure is understanding that I don’t need the painting to be perfect, I just strive to make each painting better than the last. And honestly its okay if that doesn’t even happen either. There are many ups and downs when creating artwork and its totally fine when you try something and it doesn’t work.
Over these past few years I have been pushing myself inch by inch to create better artwork, trying not to ask too much of myself but always striving to get better. And its really been working for me and I encourage you do try this as well in other aspects of life. There is nothing wrong with taking small manageable steps towards your goals, it can keep your mental health in check and bring you to some amazing results over time!

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I thought today’s Throwback would be a great opportunity to talk about what I feel is one of the more important themes in my work which is vulnerability in men.⁣
I first started to explore this theme in my artwork back in 2017 with “Shelters Built on Men” a piece that explores the pressures we place on men in our society and how we build upon their backs expecting them to always be strong and unwavering. This piece served as a great transition into illustrating themes that have a strong significance in my life and address issues that are important to me. ⁣
As I’ve explored this theme over the years with several paintings I’ve started to think about the pressures we put on ourselves as men and the societal norm for us to hold in our feelings, fears and troubles. There are so many troubled men in our world who feel alone because they fear above all else the idea of being vulnerable with another person. They choose to suppress their emotions because they are afraid to feel what’s inside of them.⁣
Exploring this theme can be rewarding yet difficult for me, because it not only makes me worry about the mental state of men in our society but also my own mental and emotional state. Am I being real with the people around me? Am I being real with myself?⁣
But when I look outside myself and think about the men surrounding me in my life, they are the ones that brings me hope. When I think about the male friends and acquaintances in my life, I cannot help but see their incredible growth over the years that I’ve know them. These are people who are seeming to push against the perceived norm and are willing to be vulnerable with themselves and with people around them. They are pushing to learn more about what’s inside of them so that they can be better partners and friends. But most importantly they are being genuine with each other, sharing their struggles, anxieties and fears so that these emotions don’t bottle up and change them from the inside. ⁣

Cheers to these people in my life! You know who you are! Please know that I appreciate and celebrate you!⁣
Thanks for reading!

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"Walking Giants" Full Process Video!

 I really hope you all enjoy this extensive process video showing how I created "Walking Giants." It not only takes a long time to complete a painting but it also takes plenty of additional time to create and edit a video showing how I made it. So I hope you enjoy watching this painting process and hopefully learn some things about my how I work and why I make certain decisions.
Personally it's almost therapeutic for me to look back on how I created a piece and record my thoughts in a video. I feel like I get to fully process the experience and share my insights with you!

This original piece is available for purchase directly from me! CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT IN MY SHOP!

"Walking Giants" New Newest Terra Human Painting!

I'm incredibly proud to bring you my newest Terra Human painting "Walking Giants." This piece is the result of approximately 185 hours of focused and diligent work and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Now usually I like to tell you that "I really enjoyed working on this piece!" But that wouldn't be entirely true with this one. Honestly this painting process had a lot of ups and downs with plenty doubt looming around in my head. I had some days when I felt really optimistic about the piece and was convinced it would be my best painting yet. But I also had other days when I thought this piece was too much to handle and it would be a waste of time. I just kept telling myself that if I continued to persevere and allowed my identity to come through the brushstrokes, then the piece would turn into something special.
In the end I think it's okay that this piece wasn't 100% awesome to work on everyday. I think the struggle makes it that much more meaningful to me and I now feel really accomplished to have conquered this project. I really hope that this piece brightens your day and prompts you look inward.
I will be posting this full piece with it's description soon so be on the look out for that!

“Walking Giants” Currently available for purchase in my online store. CLICK HERE TO VIEW IN MY STORE!

✍🏻 This painting addresses the concept of humility. There is so much that we can obtain and achieve in our lives that it’s easy to forget the vastness of space and time as well as our small part in this infinite world.  We are seen in this painting traversing this world with true humility and a willingness to learn. As we walk we take care not to crush even the smallest plants and animals because we understand that all life plays an important role on this planet. As the luminous sunrise bathes the surrounding cliff edges with color and warmth we are reminded of the seemingly infinite amount of time this planet has been alive and changing. And we start to understand that our time here is short yet meaningful and there is much good that we can do if we walk tall and care for those who are both bigger and smaller than us.

"Missing Pieces" | New Terra Human Painting!

Hi friends, I hope you enjoy this slightly different formate for my new Terra Human painting! For this piece I chose to create a portrait and create a sort of double exposure effect in order to incorporate the nature components. So instead of having a figure physically sitting or laying in a landscape, she its actually blended with it. Scroll down for a full description of the painting.


This painting is about the loneliness that we many of us are feeling during these uncertain times. Our normal interactions with friends and family have been reduced and modified and this has affected our emotional wellbeing more that we realize. Some of us may be experiencing heightened anxiety or depression that make us want to retreat away from other people even more than usual. We all cope with times of stress differently and that’s alright as long as we understand that deserve the love that is in our lives and that things will get better eventually.

The woman in this piece has retreated away from people but she finds comfort in the nature that surrounds her. Visually the branches almost support the shapes and curves of her face, keeping her head up in a time of sadness. She has blended into her surroundings so that they may fill in her missing pieces and make her whole again. 

Thanks for reading! As always, this original painting is available to purchase in my online shop! CLICK HERE TO VIEW IN THE SHOP!