My Interview with Raindrop Incorporated

Hello! I just wanted to share with you all my most recent podcast interview with Deb and Sara from Raindrop Incorporated. This episode is a part of their Inspired Artist series and we delve into my personal background as well as what it means to work as a full time artist. I hope you enjoy this excellent conversation we had and I really hope it can help any artists who are looking to do their art full time someday.

Newest Publication! Shoutout Colorado

I feel very fortunate to have been interviewed by Shoutout Colorado about my art career! They seek out inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives and have them share some insights into their career.
I really appreciate this opportunity to share what I have learned so far and reflect back on what makes me tick as a working creative.

Please give this article a read if you have the time, I put a lot of thought into my answers so that you can get get to know me better on a professional and personal level. Click the button below to read the full interview!