Newest Publication! Shoutout Colorado

I feel very fortunate to have been interviewed by Shoutout Colorado about my art career! They seek out inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives and have them share some insights into their career.
I really appreciate this opportunity to share what I have learned so far and reflect back on what makes me tick as a working creative.

Please give this article a read if you have the time, I put a lot of thought into my answers so that you can get get to know me better on a professional and personal level. Click the button below to read the full interview!

Featured in Marvelous Art Magazine!

WOW my second publication in a month! I feel very luck to have been featured in the May 2020 Surrealism Issue of Marvelous Art Magazine! (Featured Paintings: “Between Light and Shadow” and “EVE”)
You can use this link to view the whole issue by clicking HERE!

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Friends, I have been very fortunate to have some great exposure and sales lately and I just wanted to say thank you for your continued support! Whenever you like, comment or share one of my posts it helps me expand my audience and reach new opportunities, so thank you! 

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