Newest Terra Human | "Through the Leaves"

Hi everyone, could you do me a favor? Please read my full description for this painting below. I hope that this painting can communicate with you as it has communicated with me during its creation process. Honestly I don't think I have ever put this much thought into a single painting before so I really hope that you can listen to what I have to say and process it as you view the piece.


This painting shows a trapped man. Ever since he was born into the color of his skin he has only been seen in this way. We choose see him through the leaves, broken, unfinished, and most of all unlike us. We only see him in these leaves as a way to control him rather than trying to understand him. As a society we refuse to see this person and people who look like him in a different light and recognize that all people are complex and multifaceted individuals. Like all of us this man is striving to find success and meaning in his life but he lives in a world that feels the need to put him into a specific box. Even though he is a kind, sensitive and compassionate individual his intent is assumed to be malicious and selfish and so everyday he feels the need be extra accommodating to those who are threatened by him. As he looks out through the leaves he finds a world that is fearful of him and ready to challenge his every move due to the color of his skin rather than the content of his character. He sees a world that is ripe with opportunity for others but these opportunities have conditions and requirements that shut him out.

This man is looking us straight in the eyes and asking us to be better. He is asking to be set free from these leaves so that he can live a life untethered from where we put him.

Through the Leaves Framed 2.jpg
Through the Leaves Framed 3.jpg