"Choosing Light" Has Been Sold!

I am just so proud to say that thanks to a recent viral video on my instagram, my painting “Choosing Light” has been sold! I’m so appreciative of everyone who engaged with and comment on this video helping it reach over half a million people! This engagement helped my painting find the right person who was just over the moon with excitement to buy it.

This is such a personal painting for me and I really cannot tell you how much it means to me that so many people connected with it and that one person resonated with it so much that they needed to buy it as soon as possible! This painting is about embracing my intense empathy towards others even when it sometimes hurts and so so many people related to what I said and took my message to heart. I received so many comments and messages from people telling me that seeing this painting and reading my message actually brought them to tears. This was genuinely an out of body experience and I’m really excited for the buyer in Dubai.

I’m a little busy with paintings for a show in April at the moment, but I’m hoping to do a limited edition print release of this paintings to celebrate the sale! I’m thinking of doing a pre-order for these prints so I can know exactly how many to print. So please keep an eye out here on my website as well as on my socials!

Recent Sales from the Abend Holiday Show

Hey there! I’m very happy to say that two out of my three new paintings for the Holiday Miniatures Show at Abend Gallery have been sold! I spent countless hours on all three of these paintings so it is hugely rewarding to see that two of them are going a home where they will be enjoyed by a collector. I’m really happy to see so many paintings being sold through this show and look forward to doing another show with Abend in April.

My final new painting that is available from the show is “Witness to the Unknown”. Use the button below to view it in the gallery shop.